A maximum of $100 dollars can be earned per month from the top tier of the program, which is especially handy if grinding $1-$2 games. There are three levels of the program, beginning at “Deep Stack.” Play more than 60 hours per month to earn $0.50 in cash for every hour played. This gives players bonuses according to the amount of time played per month in the poker rooms. The Hollywood poker action is continuous, with much of the fun driven by the Marquee Rewards Club VIP program. The screens become informational displays during scheduled tournaments. Numerous flat-panel televisions show live sports all around the room.
The Hollywood poker room maintains the Hollywood poker room house style with high slope-backed beige chairs at the tables.
Hollywood Casino Columbus is a welcome stop for players in areas otherwise deprived of reliably good action - especially in Columbus, where there are only a few other regulated poker rooms.